Archive for March, 2009

PPP and tectonic plate motion

March 31st, 2009 by Ricardo Píriz

We have recently introduced our new algorithm for Precise Point Positioning (PPP). One of the things you can do with PPP is to monitor the displacement of your station(s) over long periods of time. Even if your station is installed on a very stable location, it will unavoidably move a little bit over the years due to the slow but steady displacement of the tectonic plate the station is placed on. The plate motion velocity changes a lot from plate to plate, the following map (from UNAVCO) shows a general view of the Earth:



Update My Station Coordinates

March 23rd, 2009 by Ricardo Píriz

When you upload station data in magicGNSS (see How to upload station data), the station coordinates are read from the RINEX file header and stored in the magicGNSS database. The first time you upload data from a station you will see ‘Coords from: RINEX’  when you click on the station name or icon on My Stations. Coordinates from the database are used as a priori (initial) values by the ODTS and PPP algorithms.

If you want to refine your station coordinates in the database, just upload enough data from that station (one day is recommended), process it in PPP and click on ‘Update My Station Coordinates’ on the PPP Settings: (more…)

Precise Point Positioning (PPP) now available

March 18th, 2009 by Ricardo Píriz

We are releasing today a new magicGNSS that features a first version of the long-awaited Precise Point Positioning algorithm (PPP). This new module allows solving for user station coordinates, tropospheric delay and clock by fixing the GPS satellite orbits and clocks to IGS products (ultra-rapid, rapid, or final products). The PPP module and the station data upload mechanism are now available to all magicGNSS users, not only to *pro* users.

Currently the PPP module works in static mode only (we are working hard on the dynamic or kinematic mode) and with dual-frequency code+phase measurements. You can process one or several stations (maximum 10) in the same PPP session. At the moment the maximum data span that can be processed in a single PPP session is limited to one day. More information about the PPP algorithm can be found here. You can also download an example of PPP Report.