Archive for September, 2008

Multi-browser support

September 30th, 2008 by Ricardo Píriz

magicGNSS now supports quite a few web browsers: IE, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome (the new browser from Google). At magicGNSS we like to be browser-neutral, but log into your account using Chrome and you will notice that the application responds remarkably faster. I belive the reason for this is V8, Google’s open source Javascript engine, which seems to perform really well!

New, Save, Run… and get real-time clocks in 3 clicks!

September 29th, 2008 by Ricardo Píriz

What is the most exciting way to use magicGNSS? Actually, the easiest one! Inside your magicGNSS account, just click on New to define a new scenario (scenario Name and Start and End dates are provided by default), then click on Save to create the new scenario, and then click on Run to process the data and generate results.

In fact the application selects by default yesterday as Start Date and today as End Date. In this way you get the most recent ODTS estimations possible, for example to monitor the latest behaviour of all GPS satellite clocks, with a latency of just a couple of hours.

Start and End dates are relative to GPS Time, not to the local time of your town! Currently GPS Time is ahead of UTC by just 14 seconds, therefore UTC (or its equivalent Greenwich Mean Time) is a good approximation to GPS Time.

At the Google Developer Day in Madrid

September 28th, 2008 by Ricardo Píriz

Last week I attended the Google Developer Day in Madrid. It  was a very interesting event where Google engineers and gurus from all over the world gave presentations and workshops, a unique opportunity to have an overview of the state of the art in internet technologies today. Among other things, Android, the new open source operating system for mobile phones was introduced and explained. Chrome, the new web browser from Google, was also presented.

One of the most inspiring speeches was the one given by Dion Almaer on The Future of Web Applications (watch video, or see presentation). Dion Almaer is one of the fathers of AJAX, the web technology that allows asynchronous communication between the browser and the server to update different parts of a web page without reloading the whole page. This creates more responsive and interactive web applications. For example, in magicGNSS you can run a scenario, monitor the progress banner, and at the same time create new scenarios or delete existing ones. AJAX is behind all this.

Dion’s talk gave me the idea to write about the past of the web and Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) and about how much things have changed today. Back in 1993 I got my first job with GMV based at ESOC, the European Space Operations Centre in Darmstadt, Germany… But this entry is getting a bit too long, so I will post the rest of the story in this blog some other time.

To be continued…

Video tour available

September 24th, 2008 by Álvaro Mozo

One of the objectives of magicGNSS is to make GNSS algorithms easy to use. No matter how complex these algorithms actually are, settings can be reduced to a few key parameters. Default values for the other algorithm configuration options are provided by the application; they have been optimized to provide robustness and performances in most cases.

We have prepared a video tour that shows you how easy is to create and run an ODTS scenario with magicGNSS Beta. Don’t miss it!

magicGNSS Video Tour

Note: You will need QuickTime to watch the video.

Example of ODTS Report

September 23rd, 2008 by Álvaro Mozo

The output of each ODTS run with magicGNSS Beta is a zip file containing a number of products. In addition, the zip file includes a comprehensive report in pdf format that summarizes:

  • The configuration of the scenario
  • The most relevant process information (such as measurement residuals, stations or satellites rejected, etc)
  • Key outputs such as satellite and station clock plots (including Allan Deviation) or zenith tropospheric delay plots

If you wish to see how it looks like without having to run an scenario, you can download an example from here.