Archive for July, 2014

GRIAL replaces TEQC in magicGNSS

July 23rd, 2014 by Guillermo Tobías

GMV has developed a new tool to analyze RINEX, GRIAL (Gmv RInex Analyze).

Up till now, magicGNSS has been using TEQC to validate the incoming RINEX. TEQC is developed and distributed by Unavco. Teqc ( is a powerful and well-tested tool, but it has two important limitations which affect our platform:

  • It performs a very strict format validation that leads to reject many RINEX usable by the PPP/ODTS.
  • It does not support new RINEX version (3.xx). This is becoming an important problem as most of the multi-GNSS receivers generate RINEX 3 files.

GRIAL has been developed to solve these problems and provide more flexibility to magicGNSS. In this process, the GMV team has tried to adjust the product to the current needs.

Main GRIAL achievements:

  • Increases the flexibility regarding the file format.
  • Accepts more compression types (.zip, .ZIP, .gz, .GZ, .z, .Z).
  • Users can upload several RINEX files compressed in the same file.
  • It provides detailed information about the error type and the location (file and line).
  • It solves the most common errors as: blank lines, RINEX version missing or incorrect, empty interval, missing time of first observation…

We hope that this new tool helps the GNSS user’s community!