September 29th, 2014 by magicGNSS Team
During the test campaign of the EPOC (Early Proof-Of-Concept) in the frame of the AALECS (Authentic and Accurate Location Experimentation with the Commercial Service) project, magicGNSS reference products have been broadcast in the Galileo E6 signals.
Orbit and clock predictions have been generated 2-3 days in advance of each test by magicODTS using data gathered by the IGS MGEX network ( This high-accuracy (HA) data is then sent to GMS and uploaded to the IOV satellites for broadcast during test slots (see figure below).

The E6-B signal has been tracked both with SCE (Spreading Code Encryption) enabled and disabled. During tests broadcast products are gathered and authenticated via TESLA-based NMA and/or SCE. Then, a high-precision data-authenticated PVT solution is computed by means of magicPPP.
The aim of the test campaign has been to evaluate the E6 data transmission performance, and prove that the system is capable of providing authentication and HA positioning/timing services. Several static and kinematic tests have been conducted from mid-July to late-September 2014. The figure below shows performance of a static PVT with SCE enabled: an RMS below 40 cm in the horizontal plane is achieved, including the convergence period.

Tags: Announcements, Events, PPP
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August 5th, 2014 by Guillermo Tobías
On May 31st 2013, magicGNSS team computed a 2-hour long Galileo-only batch PPP (the 4 IOVs disposition provided up to 3 hours of common view over Europe) for a TRIMBLE R10 receiver located at GMVs premises. The reference products used were computed by means of magicGNSS’ ODTS tool, based on the MGEX network ( .

The obtained receiver coordinates were compared with the reference ones obtained by means of a GPS-only PPP using as reference products IGS final products. The positioning error was below 5 cm in all 3 components!

This Galileo-only PPP has been recently recognized by ESA as one of the first 50 Galileo navigation fixes.(

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July 23rd, 2014 by Guillermo Tobías
GMV has developed a new tool to analyze RINEX, GRIAL (Gmv RInex Analyze).
Up till now, magicGNSS has been using TEQC to validate the incoming RINEX. TEQC is developed and distributed by Unavco. Teqc ( is a powerful and well-tested tool, but it has two important limitations which affect our platform:
- It performs a very strict format validation that leads to reject many RINEX usable by the PPP/ODTS.
- It does not support new RINEX version (3.xx). This is becoming an important problem as most of the multi-GNSS receivers generate RINEX 3 files.
GRIAL has been developed to solve these problems and provide more flexibility to magicGNSS. In this process, the GMV team has tried to adjust the product to the current needs.
Main GRIAL achievements:
- Increases the flexibility regarding the file format.
- Accepts more compression types (.zip, .ZIP, .gz, .GZ, .z, .Z).
- Users can upload several RINEX files compressed in the same file.
- It provides detailed information about the error type and the location (file and line).
- It solves the most common errors as: blank lines, RINEX version missing or incorrect, empty interval, missing time of first observation…
We hope that this new tool helps the GNSS user’s community!
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June 10th, 2013 by Ricardo Píriz
We have now a new ftp address on the GMV server for the RINEX measurement files coming from our GAP1 station. The files can now be downloaded with the following login information:
- server:
- user: magicgnssro
- password: R0gnss06
We are storing hourly files at a 1-second rate and daily files at a 30-second rate. The files can be accessed on a web browser through the following URLs (examples):
ftp://magicgnssro:[email protected]/gap1161j.13d.Z (hourly file)
ftp://magicgnssro:[email protected]/gap11610.13d.Z (daily file)
Files are kept on the server for the last 45 days, older files are also available upon request.
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July 30th, 2012 by Ricardo Píriz
Posted in Announcements, Help | Comments Off on GAP1 station now contributing to IGS’ MGEX