magicGNSS’ Galileo-only PPP among the first 50 Galileo navigation fixes recognized by ESA

August 5th, 2014 by Guillermo Tobías

On May 31st 2013, magicGNSS team computed a 2-hour long Galileo-only batch PPP (the 4 IOVs disposition provided up to 3 hours of common view over Europe) for a TRIMBLE R10 receiver located at GMVs premises. The reference products used were computed by means of magicGNSS’ ODTS tool, based on the MGEX network ( .

The obtained receiver coordinates were compared with the reference ones obtained by means of a GPS-only PPP using as reference products IGS final products. The positioning error was below 5 cm in all 3 components!

This Galileo-only PPP has been recently recognized by ESA as one of the first 50 Galileo navigation fixes.(

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