July 30th, 2010 by Teresa Ferreira

Description: The Planning Tool Simulator – PTS – is a constellation tool in MATLAB® designed for professional receiver applications that provides satellite availability and geometry quality at a given time and location on Earth. The PTS reads the ephemerides of the selected GNSS constellations from YUMA files and then computes satellite position for a configurable amount of time. In addition, the PTS supports two types of user environments: open area and urban canyons. Open area environments are solely characterized by masking elevation and azimuth angles, while urban canyons also consider the length, width and height of the street and building respectively.

Category: Service Volume Simulator

Contact Person: TGFF

Website: N/A

Operating System: Windows, MATLAB 7.0

Intellectual Property: GMV

Keywords: urban, availability, accuracy, constellation

Supported Systems: Galileo, GPS, GLONASS

Inputs: .YUMA, .RINEX

Outputs: .fig, .txt files



FP6SWI-TN-044-Planning Tool Simulator v1.2 (PTS User Manual)